Reclama - Edy Speed Trans

marți, 24 februarie 2009

Fucking Amuzant

**Chayzis**: Pula is a place where you can be sent by any Romanian you are offending. There you can make different activities like sucking, licking, putting it between your legs .

From 3 words spoken by romanians 4 are pula (in different expressions like: Pula mea, Du-te in pula mea, Sugi Pula, Lua-ti-ash fata in pula, Manca-mi-ai pula,...) something like Fuck in the US, but with a special scent.

Pula's wife is Pizda, and their child is Putza, which, until it turns into a Pula (or a Pizda, or can take later a sex change operation).
Pula is also known to have mutated in a story of Ion Creanga, a great Romanian story-teller, which describes an entire corn field growing Pulas and not regular corn ...Romania Rullz ! )
**Chayzis**: ba
**Chayzis**: e asta amuzant ?
© YedY ®: oarecum
© YedY ®: ..
© YedY ®: NU
**Chayzis**: ca sa vezi si tu la ce rade gagicamea
**Chayzis**: si i`am zis
**Chayzis**: nu e amuzant
**Chayzis**: si ea cica
**Chayzis**: BA E
© YedY ®: si treea sa ii zici si tu
© YedY ®: )

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